Auguri da AIEJI

Pubblicato il 17-12-2014 da Benny Andersen - Presidente AIEJI - ( 1994 letture )



Benny Andersen, Presidente di AIEJI, invia agli educatori professionali gli auguri di un buon Natale e Buon anno.


Dear all

Christmas and New Year are close and I write to you to wish you a merry and a happy one. I hope the last year has been a good one for you in your professional fields – knowing that all of us are challenged doing the difference that we really want to do. Crisis, politics and economy often narrow the scope of our profession and we’re forced to think different and try and find new solutions for our way of working. This is the schism we face in our daily working life – in some countries more than others. And we have to deal with it in a professional way being aware that we need to do the best with the resources we’ve got and at the same time use our voices to formulate rights of people in vulnerable situations – and obligations concerning these rights.
As most of you probably know unaccompanied refugee minors have been in focus in AIEJI’s work in 2014. I wrote about this more detailed in the latest Newsletter after participation (late September this year) in the AIEJI seminar in Rome about the issue. Now we’re in a process where all the empirical material is being analyzed and put into form. The result will be a written report to spread knowledge to all our members and interested parties – hoping very much that the social educators work with this target group will be emphasized and acknowledged as a very important and challenging work area – for the good of the children and young people being in so insecure life situations.
At the latest AIEJI board meeting (in Milan ultimo November) a Brazilian seminar June 2015 about social educators work with the minors also was at the agenda. A presentation of the report will be one of the activities at the seminar, and also the report will be represented at a Nordic conference in Finland the same month.
The coming board meeting will be in May 2015 in Spain or Portugal. Here the next AIEJI project will be kick started – the project about mentally disabled persons and the social educational work with them. In spring 2015 an overview of the main challenges in different countries will be made to strengthen the board decision of what approach to choose for the project.
But now it’s December and many of us can look forward to celebrate Christmas and New Year. I wish you all the best for the next year. Personally I’m looking forward to co-operate and be in lead of the AIEJI activities in 2015.
A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you!


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