Two conferences in Sri Lanka in 2016

Pubblicato il 09-09-2015 da Bodil Damsgaard - AIEJI - ( 2400 letture )


The 1st International Conference on Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Caring to Notice! will be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th of February 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

All involved with Residential Child and Youth Care Work – Care Workers, Youth Workers, Supervisors, Teachers, NGO Service Managers, INGO Health and Welfare Professionals, Family Members, Policy Makers, Researchers and Educators – are invited to gather to explore local and international challenges and opportunities facing our World’s most vulnerable children, young people and families.

Conference Tracks

* Making Connections and Nurturing Relationships with Children, Young People and Families
* Family Participation in Decision-Making about the Care of Their Children
* Purposeful Uses of Activity in Residential Child and Youth Care
* Sustaining Residential Cultures of Safe Caring and Belonging
* Assisting Youths through Predictable Life Transitions and Leaving Care
* Caring for those who Care for Children through Recognition, Training and Support


Welcome to the official website of the World Disability & Rehabilitation Conference – 2016 (WDRC 2016). The conference will be held during 26th, 27th and 28th of January 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, under the theme “A Spectrum of Opportunities: Overcoming Disability & Its Challenges”.
“Disabilities” covers a broad definition – from impairments (a problem in body functions or structure), activity limitations (difficulty encountered by an individual executing a task or action) to participation restriction (a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations). It is a complex phenomenon as it is not just a health problem. Countering this issue faced by people with disabilities requires interventions to remove environmental and social barriers (, 2015).

According to World Health Organization,
• Over 1 billion people experience disability globally – 1 in 7 people in the world
• Half of the people with disability cannot afford the expenditure on health care
• 200 million people need glasses or other low vision devices and do not have access to them
• 70 million people need wheelchair, only 5-10% have access to one
• 360 million people globally have moderate to profound hearing loss – production is only 10% of global need and 3% of developing countries need.

WDRC 2016 will provide the ideal platform to present your research and experiences to individuals who are interested and specialized in the area of “disability and rehabilitation”. Academics, medical and community professionals, policy makers, psychologists, counselors, researchers, service providers, people with disabilities and family members could look forward to a unique and an engaging atmosphere to network and learn from delegates from around the world.


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